Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Updates through August 2, 2010 (not in order, sorry)

Hey Everyone - Sorry for the delays! Lots has happened recently including completion of interior framing, soffet and fascia complete, addition of an electrical box, addition of exterior speakers for deck, beginning of the deck construction, survival of flash flooding in CB last weekend and more... enjoy!
Jesse & Nina

Here is Matt working on the deck posts

Luke laying out framing for the master bedroom

Soffet about to go in, fascia done

Electrical Box

View down the hallway downstairs -looking into guest bathroom

Deck post in... more on this to come this week...

Fascia complete...

Entry way and stair case

Master framed in (looking at Jesse's closet, entrance to bathroom on left)

Jesse in the shower!

Views of Soffet

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