Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September 1, 2010 (How is it September already? 4 months down!)

Hi Everyone... well I was away last week and the changes that occurred were minor enough that photos wouldn't have told the story.. however we anticipate a big two weeks! Above you see that trees have been delivered to the site and we anticipate the corner gardens in the backyard going in next week. That means Aspens, Spruces and the Choke Cherries will be planted... wow!

Below... WINDOWS! We had an issue with the windows and their arrival date put us back a week but the boys were cranking today and the rest are being delivered tomorrow. One thing to note is that all the windows you see (besides the small middle window) will have different internal frames ("lights") to them... these have a half cut to them and they should be quarter cuts... i.e. more window and less panels through the middle.

And here you can see that Tom the Roof Master has moved to the front of the house and is close to being finished. If you look closely you can see a medal trim around the lower part of the house... (right behind Jesse's elbow in this photo) and below that will be our metal "waiscotting" that will wrap the bottom of the house.) And Tom should be getting to that, and the metal roofs on all the sub roofs (entry way, etc) next week.

To come... stucco next week!! More windows tomorrow!! Landscaping!! Once the exterior of the house is closed in the dry wall will start inside and the boys will be getting the siding on the top half of the house (Stucco bottom half of house and siding where you see the wooden beams on the blue board around the top of the house.)

Lots of info today.. hope it makes sense!
Enjoy... from N&J

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