Sunday, April 10, 2011

April Update - we have furniture!

We're not sure if anyone is still checking in on the blog but we thought we'd get up some "final" shots of the house now that the CT delivery of furniture has arrived and we've managed to hang up some art around the place. As most of you now we are expecting a Little Weyl in August we perhaps this blog will become a place to update you all on his/her arrival and so on. In the meantime enjoy seeing what we've done so far. Next updates will be from the yard once the 350"+ of snow melts and we can start a garden and some grass.
Sorry some photos are the wrong direction, I thought I had that figured out...
Thanks.. N&J

Snow beginning to melt on the deck - overcast day so the view isn't up to it's usual awesomeness

Deck from inside

Master Bedroom - view out to backyard

Master Bath - only major thing we're still waiting on are the mirrors. Thanks Restoration Hardware, the 8+ month wait isn't painful or anything.

Master from entrance

Master from hallway

Powder room in hall to master

Bar in living room (Sam made custom counter)

Bar and wine fridge

Dining Room

Dining Room & Bar



Great Room shots with the CT furniture - thanks M&D

Heading upstairs - dog toys in the way, big surprise!


Hall bath view to laundry room (which is our main entrance from garage)

Reverse view - laundry room to hall bath

Hall bath - future bath of baby Weyl

Baby Weyl's Room/Guest Room #2


Guest Room with Attached Bath

Ben (Architect & GC) called this the "Star Bath" so we honored that... Sorry we didn't have this hook up for you, Mom!

Guest Bedroom - it works says Liz, Mom & Dad and Ashley! Thanks for being our first guests.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

And... we're in!

I finally found the box I packed the cord to connect the camera so lots of photos below from the big move in! We had our first night here Friday, January 21. It's been a week of unpacking boxes and feeling very at home. Enjoy the shots and sorry for the delay... and, hey, thanks for all the support through this process!

Boxes... boxes... boxes!

The built in arrives - it's huge!

Master Bedroom almost set up.

Master Bath... feeling like home

Hugh Raines testing out the floors... and Millie's "Pinchy" Toy.

Jesse & Peggy enjoying the floors as well...

We're home!

Our first dinner at the new house.. roast chicken, keeping it simple!

Not surprising who our first dinner guests were... thanks for coming Raines Family!

Good morning Crested Butte!

Jesse finding multiple uses for his new pot-filler... a plant watering device, too!

Built in set up - now we really feel home.

For now we have are borrowing a couch from our friend Mike, thanks Mike! Kitchen all set up.

Peggy's corner.

Well, I filled the closet... that wasn't too hard!

Mater bath

Jesse is officially HOME (football is on the TV)

Entry way bench.

Landry room - we've been using this room a lot already!

Guest room/Star Suite. Guests - we're ready for you!

Office - still setting this room up...

But you get the feel for the office with these shots..

Guest Room/Whetstone Room


Guest Bath/Hall Bath

Guest Bath/Hall Bath

Guest Bath/Star Bath

Guest Bath/Star Bath

Garage is looking good!! Feels great to have it empty of full boxes and now it's organized and home to empty boxes ready for the recycling center.

The New England Corner