Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sweat Equity 6.26.10

A little out of order but Jesse & Nina spent Saturday at the lot staining the truss beams (douglas fir) and rolling the 500lb beams to get all 4 sides!

Peggy watches from the garage

Steel brushing the beams

Finished the big guy



Joists for the Master Suite are in

The Living Room Trusses taking shape

First Truss almost done

Tiny Lag Bolts...

Luke Sheeting the Master Suite

That's my kind of motto!

Looking good! We're waiting on the iron braces (with buckles in the middle) which go in-between those two triangles in the Truss - they will match the iron braces with buckles that are on our dining room table and also match our iron railings in the stairwell - should be gorgeous when done!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

North Gable Installation 6.24.10

The crane lifting the 2000lb wall

Up and up and up...

Thanks Luke! Look at all those windows!

Ben, our GC, tightening up the walls... Thanks Ben (and Matt - not photographed today but working up there with Luke and Ben)

View from the south - an idea of the views... more photos to come

Ben Somrak

Crane putting in the garage beam

Lowering the garage beam down

The crane on our front yard!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Dining Room & 2nd Floor - 6.21.10

Great room window on the right, dining room on the left

Not a bad view from the dinner table - you're all invited for Thanksgiving!

Dining Room

Friday, June 18, 2010

June 18th, 2010

Step up into the kitchen on second floor

Framing in the window/wall in the staircase to the second floor

Saturday, June 12, 2010

June 11th - Retaining Wall Rocks

These are the rocks that we'll use for the retaining wall on the side and back of the driveway

Friday, June 11, 2010

June 10th 2010

The first round of siding is done! Monday, the interior first floor framing will commence - it will be great to see some rooms!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Framing Begins - Week of June 7th

The steel arrives


Wall between Garage and first floor guest suite/mudroom

Garage framed in

First Floor North wall

Not a bad view from the first floor office!

Nina and Peggy, larkspur blooming in the foreground, framed in first floor in the background. The internal walls for the first floor should be framed in by the end of the week, along with plywood sheeting - next week, the second floor comes to life!